The placement cell of BIPS is a state of the art unit dedicated in the industrial exposure and delivering successful placement for the students of BIPS. The main strength of placement cell is its connection and network with the pharmaceutical world.
Salient features are:
1. Huge network with the pharmaceutical companies
2. All India level exposure
3. Time to time update with industrial up gradation and requirements
4. Arrangement of seminars with industrial spokes person
Career Graphology
BIPS Placement Graph in Percentage, Batch-wise
The uniqueness of BIPS placement cell is as follows:
1. The placement cell not only organizes seminars from industrial arena but also from intellectual arena.
2. Premium stalwarts from academic area are welcomed at our college at regular basis.
3. The placement cell also organizes industrial visit, educational visit, industrial training in premier pharmaceutical companies and educational institutes.
4. The placement cell not only looks after campus interviews but also provide an all India level network for providing information of Government jobs throughout India.
5. The information of Govt. job is notified promptly after the Govt. notification.
6. The placement cell also maintains and encourages active participation of students through several seminars and research activities so that they develop professional skill.
7. The procedure of selection of students for campus interview is stringent and maintains a non-partial selection.